our staff

We would love to connect with you on a Sunday morning or send us an email! 

  • Greg Braly – Lead Pastor

    What do you do here at BEFC?

    My role is to be the lead under-shepherd here at BEFC. It is Jesus' Church first and foremost and I am to listen to His leading and be under His direction. This includes teaching, shepherding the church, leadership, vision-casting,  and working through the day to day needs of BEFC.

    How long have you been here at BEFC?

    Donna and I have been here officially since January 1, 2016. However, I have been hanging around BEFC since the end of 2015, even before I started, because this is a great church and I fell in love with the people here.

    Tell us about yourself:

    Donna and I have been married since April 12, 1987. It has been an amazing journey together. We love doing things together, whether it is exploring a ghost town or some piece of history. Donna is a Timberwolves fan, and since I am a fan of Donna, I have grown to endure them. We are dog people and currently have two wonderful dogs, Loretta & Mara. We love reading, theater, music, and boating when we get a chance. We have one adult son, Rob, and 3 precious grandbabies.


  • Bracston Siemens – Youth & Family Director

    What do you do here at BEFC?

    I have the joy of working with Junior High and High School students. I shepherd, teach, and disciple students. Nothing pumps me up more than seeing students follow Jesus and own their faith. We have incredible students, parents, and youth leaders here at BEFC!

    I also work on equipping families, marriages, and helping parents lead their kids to follow Jesus.

    How long have you been here at BEFC?

    I have been here at BEFC since May 28, 2014. I graduated from college and five days later started working at BEFC. I've encountered nothing but grace and support from the wonderful people here at BEFC.

    Tell us about yourself:

    I am originally from South Dakota (where we have more cows than people). I didn't start following Jesus for myself until I was in college. I graduated in 2014 from the University of Northwestern—St. Paul, MN, with a Youth and Family Studies degree. I fell in love with student ministry in college and felt God leading me into vocational ministry.

    In my spare time I enjoy hanging out with friends and family, reading, hunting, golfing, playing video games with students, and working out. I am emotionally invested in the Oklahoma Sooners.


  • Kristen Ruopsa – Children's Ministry & Life Groups Director

    What do you do here at BEFC? 

    My role in children's ministry is to build meaningful relationships with our children and their parents that cultivate a relationship with Jesus.  I get to encourage and teach our children as they navigate what it means to be a Christian, learn the stories within the Bible and how they apply to them today, and how to follow what God has asked of us.


    In addition, I coordinate and train all of the children’s ministry volunteers, coordinate/run summer VBS, foster opportunities for growth, and partner & support the AWANA, PreK, and nursery ministries.

    How long have you been here at BEFC? 

    I have attended BEFC since the spring of 2014 after my previous church closed its doors. I had volunteered since 2014 in the Children’s Ministry and later started in the Youth Ministry serving as one of their girl's leaders. I joined the BEFC staff in August 2021.

    Tell us about yourself: 

    I live in Buffalo with my husband, two children, &  two cats.  For the 10 years before my position at BEFC, I was a production manager at a plastics manufacturing plant. That role included implementing processes, organizing and tasking staff, research and development of new products, quality control, and so much more... God called me away from that, and though I was terrified, I trusted He was going to use me where I was most needed. Even now, that full story makes me tear up.


    I love to play volleyball. I play in a sand league from May to October. Getting “away from it all” to camp is another favorite activity. Our typical set-up is at a local campground for a short weekend but we will go more extreme from time to time. My free time otherwise is filled with my family and friends, and investing time into the youth girls of this church.


  • Jaycie Kratky – Connections Director

    What do you do here at BEFC? 

    I help the families and attendees, new and old, in our church find ways to connect in all areas. My job is to help you find a small group, children's ministry, volunteer opportunity, or Sunday school class that makes you feel at home here!

    How long have you been here at BEFC?

    I originally attended in 2005 through 2010 and then returned in 2018 after moving back to Minnesota.

    Tell us about yourself:

    l live in Monticello with my husband Colton, our son Jack, and our dog Venus.  I absolutely love to craft and spend a lot of time reading. I enjoy time spent with my family and friends. 


  • Heather Thornton – Administrator

    What do you do here at BEFC?

    I am in charge of operations and communications as well as many various other duties. I am the face behind all the emails that you get and the voice on the other end of the phone when you call the church.

    How long have you been here at BEFC?

    I have attended BEFC since 2008 and on staff since 2013. BEFC is definitely our home and our extended family. We have a great staff and it's an absolute joy to work alongside them.

    Tell us about yourself:

    I have been married to Matt for 33 years. Together we have three children, ages 28, 22, and 19. I absolutely love being their mom and spending time with my family and friends, reading lots of books, and being outdoors.


  • Jay Stellrecht – Facilities: Custodial Director

    What do you do here at BEFC?

    I make sure the church looks great through building maintenance and custodial duties.

    How long have you been here at BEFC?

    I started attending in 2015 and have been on staff since 2019.

    Tell us about yourself:

    My wife Nancy and I have been married since 1997 and have been blessed with 5 kids. I enjoy reading, fishing, photography, and being in nature. 


our Elders

  • Brad Harrington


    Elder Chair

  • Trevor Palmer


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  • Rick Stadtlander


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  • Chris Taylor


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  • Michael Schaefer


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  • Matt Deidrick


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  • Harry Maravelas


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